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    I will guess that you must be using the latest retropie, and since the way reicast now handles joysticks, the reicast-joyconfig method commonly found on youtube that everyone is trying, no longer works. The docs need updating, but here is where I found the solution for my similar problem after first installing retropie on my pi3b+:


    I think that thread should be stickied until the documentation is updated. Note that the bottom line for me was the reicast autoconfig (which uses es joypads) chose the wrong device id#'s in emu.cfg. The reicast-joyconfig did what it was supposed to for my 4 controllers, and created working evdev device files in reicast/mappings/. So all I had to do was change the bottom[input] part so the "players" lined up with the right "device id's". In my case I had keyboard=0, mouse=1, joyou dual arcade=2, joyou dual arcade=3, and xbox one s=4. I initially -1'd the keyboard and mouse, and had 3 players configured, but that didn't work at first (+start reicast wouldn't respond). I went back to emu.cfg and -1'd my player 3 (the second half of the joyou), and reicast responded fine showing both player controls... and games also worked 2 player. I haven't gone back and tested re-enabling player 3, but I wonder if having the dual arcade device may not work out with that.

    So bottom line, if you ran the joystick config script, you probably already know which device id #'s need a player # to go with them in emu.config [input] section (the rest get -1'd out). More than likely the proper working evdev files are already in your mappings folder, so after getting your 0 and 1 behind the proper = sign in emu.config you should be good to go.

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    34 Posts

    @rejesterd said in Reicast - Mapping controllers??? (2020 version). Stuck.:

    @Plex7 Trying to save you some reading here, in case you do eventually come back to this. Going back to the settings shown in your very first post, here's how you map your Microntek USB Joystick controllers (i.e. evdev devices #2 and #3, as shown in your reicast-joyconfig output):

    Step 1: Uninstall and re-install reicast.

    Step 2: If you haven't done so, map the Microntek controllers in Emulation Station.

    Step 3: Run reicast-joyconfig for one of the controllers, and save the output to ~/.reicast/mappings/evdev_Microntek USB Joystick.cfg. Make sure the file is named EXACTLY 'evdev_Microntek USB Joystick.cfg' with the spaces.

    Step 4: Search for 'Microntek' in /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_input.cfg

    $ grep -i 'Microntek' /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_input.cfg

    This will spit out an <inputConfig> element that contains a property called 'deviceGUID'. This deviceGUID corresponds to your deviceName. It will be a long string with letters and numbers like..


    Step 5: Modify the [input] section in ~/.reicast/emu.cfg as follows:

    [input] MouseSensitivity = 100 VirtualGamepadVibration = 20 device1 = 0 device1.1 = 1 device1.2 = 1 device2 = 0 device2.1 = 1 device2.2 = 1 device3 = 8 device3.1 = 8 device3.2 = 8 device4 = 8 device4.1 = 8 device4.2 = 8 maple_/dev/input/event2 = 0 maple_/dev/input/event3 = 1 maple_/dev/input/event4 = -1 maple_<YourDeviceGUID> = -1

    ..where <YourDeviceGUID> is the string you obtained in the previous step above.

    Step 6: Also in ~/.reicast/emu.cfg, remove the [players] section you added previously. It's not needed.

    Step 7: Reboot and give it a try.

    Edit: If you see any other maple_* devices show up in emu.cfg after rebooting, set their values to -1 (which means reicast should ignore them).

    And for anyone else who is curious about the [input] device settings..

    device1 = 0 # controller 1 is of type 'Sega Controller' (0) device1.1 = 1 # controller 1's primary vmu is of type 'Sega VMU' (1), and is stored in ~/.reicast/vm_save_A1.bin device1.2 = 1 # controller 1's secondary vmu is of type 'Sega VMU' (1), and is stored in ~/.reicast/vm_save_A2.bin device2 = 0 # controller 2 is of type 'Sega Controller' (0) device2.1 = 1 # controller 2's primary vmu is of type 'Sega VMU' (1), and is stored in ~/.reicast/vm_save_B1.bin device2.2 = 1 # controller 2's secondary vmu is of type 'Sega VMU' (1), and is stored in ~/.reicast/vm_save_B2.bin device3 = 8 # controller 3 is not configured .... device4 = 8 # controller 4 is not configured .... maple_/dev/input/event2 = 0 # /dev/input/event2 (Microntek USB Joystick) is controller 1 maple_/dev/input/event3 = 1 # /dev/input/event3 (Microntek USB Joystick) is controller 2 maple_/dev/input/event4 = -1 # ingore the Logitech Gamepad F710 maple_<YourDeviceGUID> = -1 # ignore the configuration for Microntek USB Joystick that is set in /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_input.cfg

    Ok I'm hoping you can help me, 2 player controls was working great when I had only 2 controllers using Dragonrise encoders (easy get). Here is the device guid

    <inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick " deviceGUID="03000000790000000600000010010000">

    And here is the working emu.cfg for 2 controllers

    [input] MouseSensitivity = 100 VirtualGamepadVibration = 20 device1 = 0 device1.1 = 1 device1.2 = 1 device2 = 0 device2.1 = 1 device2.2 = 1 device3 = 8 device3.1 = 8 device3.2 = 8 device4 = 8 device4.1 = 8 device4.2 = 8 maple_/dev/input/event2 = 0 maple_/dev/input/event3 = 1 maple_03000000790000000600000010010000= 1 maple_sdl_keyboard = 0 maple_sdl_mouse = 0

    I then used the same setup and hooked up 4 controllers to a 4 Player cabinet. All the same Dragonrise encoders. I have the 4 controllers going into a 4port hub plugged into USB port 1 on the Pi3, then a trackball to port 2, then a mouse/keyboard combo into port 3. Player 1 works as Player 2... resulting in only 1 controller working. Reicast changed the Emu.cfg to the following

    [input] MouseSensitivity = 100 VirtualGamepadVibration = 20 device1 = 0 device1.1 = 1 device1.2 = 1 device2 = 0 device2.1 = 1 device2.2 = 1 device3 = 8 device3.1 = 8 device3.2 = 8 device4 = 8 device4.1 = 8 device4.2 = 8 maple_/dev/input/event2 = 0 maple_/dev/input/event3 = 1 maple_/dev/input/event4 = 1 maple_/dev/input/event5 = 2 maple_/dev/input/event6 = 3 maple_03000000790000000600000010010000 = 1 maple_sdl_keyboard = 0 maple_sdl_mouse = 0

    I am hoping if I change some of these device/event values it should solve the problem? Do you know what I can try to change?

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts

    My issue was that the WinSCP wouldn't give me permission to change anything. But that video helped me to gain permission.

    I'm still working on my main issue in getting Reicast to work properly. I had the same exactly issue as the ISeeTana and same hardware just the most recent Retropie version. I believe that everybody who has a new version of retropie will experience this issue with Dreamcast. It doesn't seem like it is anything our our end causing the problem.

    I will be getting a pre-loadedSD card in the mail today and will check to see if Reicast works properly and the input controls work too.

  • 0 Votes
    12 Posts

    the pi4 with a arm cortex a73 and * TWO * videocoreIV GPUs. Comes with either 2gb or 4gb internal ram. Not really, I was trying to make a joke, not funny...

    Record of Lodoss war, no longer crashes. It is a big hunk of lag art once you get top-side, there are a lot more enemies and polygons. Still playable, (I OC'd for this one)

    Jet Grind Radio, with the option to turn off shadows in the GUI can get decent performance, but I imagine there are still those levels that run like butt.

    TimeStalkers, The analog deadzone seems to have been fixed with the latest update, as well as the connection being able sync into play, which is great, I might find some time for this one.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @BJRetro Yes everything works good! Thanks for the extra info on Naomi/Atomisware!!!
    Guilty Gear X 1.5 and Fist of the North Star works great.

  • 0 Votes
    24 Posts

    @toto2000 I would copy past the info you provided into a new thread. Its not going to get as much visibility here.

  • Reicast Issues

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    @mitu It was just an issue with size! after using the cdmi it worked! Thank you so much!

  • Reicast not working

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    @lopadsa Do you have the correct BIOS for the region of the roms you are using ? https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Dreamcast/#bios

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    Go here and scroll down to the bottom.


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    @vodkanakas look for raspi2png

  • Reicast help

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    @ecks Did you test those files with some other emulators (eg: nullDC for pc) just to check their validity ?